Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Step Two: Select Physical Locations

In this section of the project, with a partner, we were asked to choose 12 different, physical, and spacial environments of the everyday (context- physical cultural) that have some relevance (content) to us broadly or culturally, and represent in some way a social issue or a space in which your message (design activism) could occur.

From the original 12 locations, use a chance method to select four.
My partner is Jake Zucker.

Here is our original brainstorm list of 12 locations:

The 12 we chose:

1. mall food court
2. Detroit Humane Society
3. liquor store
4. Detroit Antiques Mall
5. Salvation Army
6. blood bank
7. R Hirt Jr. (store in Detroit's eastern market)
8. junkyard
9. Detroit Artists' Market
10. hookah bar
11. Planned Parenthood
12. a bar


To choose our four locations for research, we wrote each location on a piece of notebook paper and folded each into a paper plane. Jack folded six, and I folded six. (His six were much more convincing planes than mine.)
We then threw them across the studio. The four that went the farthest were the four locations we would research.

Here are scans of the four paper planes that went the farthest:

These four locations were great choices, but after some research, we found that there aren't really "junkyards" open to the public. We decided to use our next farthest plane instead: R Hirt Jr.

So our four chosen locations:

R Hirt Jr.
Detroit Antiques Mall
Detroit Humane Society
blood bank

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